My Local Services app

Hand holding phone showing My Local Services

The free My Local Services app has all the information you need about the things on and services available in your council.

Stay connected with what’s going on in your neighbourhood and wider council area.

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Features of the My Local Services app

The My Local Services app can help you discover upcoming local events and places of interest. You can also stay up-to-date with council issues.

The app allows you to:

  • personalise content to only show information from your local council
  • set up weekly bin reminders
  • find out what’s on in your local area
  • locate your nearest community centres, libraries, playgrounds, toilets, and council buildings
  • report issues such as broken bins or damaged council infrastructure.

Learn more about the app

App notifications must be on so you can receive reminders and notifications from the app.

To turn on app notifications, you need to:

On an Apple iPhone

  1. Go to Settings > Notifications > MyLocal
  2. Turn on the toggle to allow receiving notifications.
  3. You can also turn on controls to:
    1. set the position and locations of message notifications
    2. choose the alert sound for message notifications
    3. choose when message previews should appear.

On an Android phone

  1. Open your phone's Settings app.
  2. Tap Notifications App settings.
  3. Under 'Most recent', find apps that recently sent you notifications.
  4. To find more apps, in the dropdown menu, tap MyLocal.
  5. Tap the app.
  6. Turn the app's notifications on.
  7. You can turn off all notifications for a listed app.

The My Local Services App does not collect or store personal information from the user. The Report It feature is optional, and any content submitted via this feature is passed to the relevant local government council. The handling of the information is governed by council’s privacy policy.

Need help?

Contact the LGA Web Solutions team at